Incorrect notes showing in account detail?

Hi, I have just found that the notes taken from the purchase invoices are not showing correctly when I view (and export) via the chart of accounts??? They seem to be somehow copying the previous invoice details??? I have started to manually update in one particular account but fear this may be incorrect across all entries??? Help!!!

Hi @Sarah_Brice

Do you mean these on the Chart of Accounts?

This particular field isn’t tied to the invoice details, it’s just a free text field. So if an invoice is updated at any point, the note isn’t automatically updated.

I don’t believe this has been requested to be changed before, so if you wish, I can change this to a feature request and we can certainly monitor the interest going forward?

Yes, that’s where I mean. It does take the 1st line of the invoice details but from your comments it doesn’t keep it updated, which is a royal pain!!! I wanted to export the data from the certain sales and purchase invoices to look at net profit (this is for vehicle sales). Is there anywhere else I can get this information? Thanks

Can I just ask, are you constantly editing a single invoice and reissuing? The notes in the ledgers are a snapshot at the point an invoice is created. Just curious why you’re routinely editing an invoice?

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