Incorrect notes in nominal account details

Continuing the discussion from Incorrect notes showing in account detail?:

I have noticed the same thing as mentioned before.
If you want to review activities for a nominal code and you tick the show all notes box, you will be given the first line of the description for the purchase logged (which might not be the item you are interested in, as that could be in the second line of the invoice in question).
However, more confusingly if you create a copy from a previous purchase and you change the description then save the new purchase, in the nominal code view you will be presented with the description of the purchase you made the copy from rather than seeing the correct description you entered.
Is this something that could be addressed at all? If you need to drum up sufficient interest beforehand, please change this to a feature request.

Hi @csaba

I will raise the issue of the same description being copied from an existing invoice to a new one - I’m not sure what the expected behaviour is here, but I will check it nonetheless.

The notes won’t update for existing entries, but generally will take the first line of the invoice when it’s first produced. This topic may be of interest: Notes in Charts of accounts and invoices

The notes do seem to retain the information from the original. I’ve logged this for review as this should reflect the copy on it’s initial save.

Thank you for your help, I hope this could be changed.

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