Invoicing help


Started using Quickfile today (09/07/19) ;

Before using quick books all invoices in 2019 have been made using a template; and Iinvoice values entered in an excel sheet for VAT return calculation.

I now have to submit my return for April- to June 2019.
Do I have have to make new invoices in quick books. ?
If so can I back date them to tally with the originally made invoices .


Hi Anil,

I’m not sure I fully understand what you mean?

You can bulk import invoices if you need them for your VAT. However the period you need for your VAT return is from before you started using QuickFile so you may be best to calculate your return outside of quickfile?

HI Support Team ( Beth )

  1. If I calculate my VAT outside Quick file then how do i submit it to HMRC?
  2. I do not know how to bulk import invoices .- do i find that topic in the knowledge base ?

Hi @Anil

If your VAT is calculated outside of QuickFile, you would need to use the bridging module to remain compliant with MTD. There’s a guide for this here: VAT Bridging

With bulk invoices, you could either enter them in bulk (see this guide: The multi-invoice entry form), or you can import them from a CSV file (see here: Importing sales and purchase invoices)

Hope that helps! Please let us know if we can help further :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help
I went to the briding link and followed the steps - and I am STUCK again !
From QuickFile dashboard I clicked reports followed by the “HMRC” option.
next screen says
If you’ve joined the [MTD VAT Pilot Scheme] you can activate the MTD features in your QuickFile account by clicking the button below.
But never joined the pilot scheme so should click on - Activate MTD Features
So what do I do
Thanks / Anil

Hi @Anil,

you’ll need to go to your VAT settings and make sure all the relevant boxes are ticked with the right information.

Let us know if you’re still having problems.

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