Okay last quarter submitted VAT via MTD but it came up with an authentication error.
Next day checked and VAT was correctly submitted for the quarter and has all gone through correctly.
HMRC has the submission but quickfile is now trying to submit the 2 quarters together as it does not have a submission for the last quarter even though HMRC has accepted the last quarter and will not allow a resubmission of the old quarter that has been completed.
It won’t let me resubmit the old VAT quarter as HMRC has received it successfully but now quickfile is adding both quarters onto the figures and I cannot manually adjust them with only 3 months instead of 6
If you’re looking to just save the return to QuickFile (rather than submit it), you will need to temporarily disable MTD. Please see the below from another user, @ian_roberts, taken from a similar thread:
Quote has been tweaked slightly to make it more suited to your scenario