"Organisation ID not found"

Registered for MTD and made last submission successfully. Attempted to create latest qtr VAT return and get “Organisation ID Not Found”

? how to fix?

Hi @NDL,

Have you gone through this guide to make sure that all of your settings are still correct? HMRC Tax Accounts - MTD Returns


Yes, all looks correct. on reports/hmrc, when clicking on view, get same error.

worked when submitted last return



It may just be worth logging into the HMRC website directly and ensure that the registration is showing there.

We actually show this error directly from what HMRC returns to us. If you have successfully enrolled on MTD and had confirmation, it may be worth giving the VAT Helpline a call to make sure everything is set up all OK.

I had exactly the same problem but have resolved the problem by clicking connect a new tax account and adding my tax account again. I then deleted off the old one and it seems to have allowed the VAT submission without the error

Connecting new tax record and deleting old one fixed problem


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