Power User Subscription Invoice Import

Can we have something a bit more integrated rather than the print to PDF and then email/upload method?

I’m struggling to find a sane workaround. If you could have a ‘send to receipt hub’ link that would be ideal.

Hi @Lurch

I’ll certainly pass this on to our development team :slight_smile:

I’m a new user to quickfile. Part of the reason I have chosen to use it is because I like the purchases/receipt hub system.

I just paid for bank feeds, and after doing so had to struggle to find where the actual VAT invoice was for this purchase!

Eventually I found it hidden under account settings -> all settings - QuickFile Credit Manager. However, I am now given an HTML invoice which I will have to Save as a PDF and upload again to get it back into my accounts.

Why does this invoice from quick file not appear automatically in my receipt hub? - or can you add a button on it to copy it there.
Even emailing the invoice to me and then letting my forward it back into my reciept hub would have caused me less work than the current process.

I have been going through and setting up rules in my email to automatically forward invoices to quick file to make my life easier. Getting these invoice into my accounts is currently less effort that getting your own invoice in there!

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Hi @Tom_Woods

I’ve merged your post with the existing request for this feature. I’ll let you know here if we’re able to update or add anything.

Though given the invoice is within your QuickFile account anyway it may be sufficient to just include the URL to the invoice page as a note on your purchase record rather than having to import a PDF copy.

When you pay quickfile to renew an account or add bank feeds the receipt for the payment gets buried within the account settings → company settings section, and then has to be viewed, saved and then reuploaded into the receipt hub in order to process it.
It would be great if it automatically got added into the receipt hub or purchases section or if you could add a ‘click here to add to receipt hub’ button on the payment completion screen.

Duplicate of Power User Subscription Invoice Import

Hi @Tom_Woods

I’ve moved your post to an already existing feature request, please feel free to add your vote at the top of the thread

It seems very strange and clunky that when you invoice me annually I have to download the invoice and then import it to the Receipt Hub. Can I suggest that you could add a button to your Quickfile Billing screen to dump the invoice straight into Receipt Hub?

How come such a self-evident and easy to implement feature has been lost in the Feature Rewquest system for 7 years? Surely the folks at QuickFile want their product to be more user friendly! @QFMathew @QFBeth