Hi Natasha,
We introduced the annual Power User Subscription fee of £45 + VAT in December 2015, which was communicated via various channels.
In summary, we rank accounts by size based on the number of nominal ledgers they have created within the last 12 months (this is a rolling period). Any account with 1,000 or more ledger entries, would be required to purchase a Power User Subscription to continue using QuickFile.
However, it’s not our intention to lock users out of their data. All accounts are given the option to defer this providing they haven’t done so already. The deferral link can be found on the left hand side of the payment notification once you’ve logged in.
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If you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to ask here, or for more account specific queries, please feel free to send me a private message (click my name and then ‘Message’).