Responsive invoice?


I just thought I’d check to make sure my clients were able to view their invoices on their phone.

At least on mine, the invoice is not mobile responsive.

How do I make it responsive? Thanks.

My first reaction was that the invoice is a physical document and what you see on screen should be the same as what you see in print. I would be interested in an accountant’s view of that.

The client’s first introduction to the invoice is the supporting email which should be responsive. I know that many of my clients pay purely on the basis of the email without ever looking at Quickfile. I would simply put more information into the email template and label the invoice link as something like “view a printable invoice”.


When using responsive.css, and after you click the button to print, you do see what you will get when you print (you’ll see it scaled, showing on an a4/whatever paper size set).

It works like this:
< style type=“text/css” media=“print” >
@page {size: portrait}
< style >

Hi @tom_44

Although the invoice isn’t responsive, providing it’s enabled in your settings, we will show an skimmed down invoice for mobile users.

There’s more info on this here: New Mobile Friendly Invoice Design

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