Setting up your Management Information

In the “Account Settings” menu you will find an option for “Management Information”, this is where you can store useful information about your company in regards to your company registration details, tax references, directors, shareholders and share capital information.

Completing these sections helps to streamline other procedures in QuickFile. Much of this information can be used to prefill various forms (e.g. Dividend Vouchers) elsewhere in the system.

Share Capital

If you are a company limited by shares then you can click on the “Share Capital” tab to input the types of shares held. For many companies this will be a single class of share, but you can add multiple classes (e.g. A shares and B shares) if needed.


In the personnel section you can input the details of your company directors, secretary (if applicable) and shareholders. For each member of personnel you can also store their National Insurance number and Unique Tax Reference (UTR) number. For shareholders you can declared which types of shares are held, this is useful for prepopulating any dividend vouchers you create.