Sole trader expenses spreadsheet

Sorry to be such a numbskull … I am looking for a way to move from my Excel spreadsheet to start recording my expenses in Quick file. I can figure out how to “log an expense” but really looking for a spreadsheet or similar to log expenses for the whole tax year.


Hi @Dawny,

Importing your spreadsheet will probably be the best thing to do. If you follow this questionnaire it will help you get the right guides for what you want to do:

Are you referring to allowable expenses (which would be deducted off your sales to get to net profit)? Typically these would include advertising, bank charges, insurance, tools & equipment etc. I raise an invoice on the relevant supplier and post to the appropriate nominal from the overheads area (7000 - 9999) in the chart of accounts. These costs appear on your p&l account.
You might also have use of private vehicle for business. This is handled differently and there is a section on this Business mileage expense

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