The QuickFile Android App is here!

Thanks for your feedback @MissMackey, we are aware that on some devices it’s taking +10 secs to load. We are currently testing various methods to reduce the startup time.

As I mentioned further up, we will be adding fingerprint and face ID unlock methods in future releases. What you see now is not a finished product, it will continue to evolve.

We made a change to the app ID which may be why. If you’re using something like LastPass I think there’s something you can do to fix that, @QFMathew should be able to guide you on that.

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Is this app up and running ? Have downloaded it but wont let me log in?


Hi Chris_Thompson, yes the app is working fine on my phone. You have to use your quickfile login details, not for the quickfile forum. Also, if you on affinity account, I think it is not working for that.
And the app has not all the features from the desktop version but the app is still very new and they add more features every couple weeks or so.

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Hi, Since the last update last week the app always crashes/freeze after adding a receipt and selecting a supplier. So far, the app was a bit slow but working fine. I can still take a photo of a receipt and tag it later from my laptop but inside the app I can select a supplier and when I click continue it freeze. Is there a known issue?

Hi @rhc

Sorry to hear about this.

Can you just remind me if this is Android or iOS please, and what version you are running?

Good morning QFMathew,
Thank you for your quick reply. It is the android app. iOS is working fine.

We haven’t made any changes to the Android app within the last couple of weeks. Can you try going to the settings area and tapping the “Refresh Cache” button?

Good Morning Glenn,
There was an update last week but I don’t do automatically, I always do it manually. Possible that you released the update earlier.
I did empty the cache but is still the same. I also deactivated other apps because I thought there is may a conflict.
Please photos below:

I’ve had a chat with our mobile devs and they said that there is a known issue here that seems to only affect certain devices. We’ll be pushing a new release today that will hopefully fix this, it should be then live by tomorrow.

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Hi Glenn,
Thank you very much for your quick response. I use an older android version, may that,s the reason but I can not update it to a newer version.
Thanks again

@rhc version 2.0.21 will be going live today, it should address the issues you’ve recently encountered with supplier selection. After we submit to Google it may take 1-2 days to appear as an update on Play.

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Hi Glenn, Just to let you know I downloaded the update today and your app is working fine now on my mobile phone. Thank you very much again for your prompt help.


Hi, I’d like to get the mobile app working for my new business. it will make invoicing etc so much easier than trying to run via the webpage on a mobile.

I tried the latest code but it says the beta test is full.

Any advice please?

Hi @AlanEaston

The mobile app is generally available now. You can download the Android version here:

I was thinking to switch to a different accounting software, but I just can’t find anything which would be better than QuickFile. And now I have just found out that there is QuickFile app. Excellent, I downloaded the app for iPhone. This is very helpful thank you.
(The only issue is that I have to use the login details, no quick login like other apps have.)



You can configure the app to unlock using biometrics. You’ll find the option in the settings area.

I have tried that, but unforgettably it doesn’t work for some reason. After I set the biometrics it seems that the app won’t remember it. Maybe an update will fix that.


Hi @patrick797

Let me send you a private message and get some more information from you, and I’ll pass this on to our development team.

A post was split to a new topic: Unable to use biometrics login on Android app