This final return is a nil return. Just covering one day really which is 1st October 2015. Vat return upto 30th Sept 2015 was filed via qf .
So i only need to submit zero values. So it should not affect the accounts in Qf.
The only weird thing about this final return is the dates are other way around. From 1st Oct to 30th Sept. When I tried to use qf to submit it yesterday I had used 1st Oct to 30th Sept range which qf did not accept as it’s other way around.
Can HMRC give you a reason for the reverse dates? It may be an error on their system? It would be great to get an explanation as I’ve never encountered this before.
We’ll have a look at this within the next week. It’s a relatively small change from what I know. If you can hold out for a week, otherwise you can transcribe the figures to HMRC online and the submit via QF with e-filing enabled.
I thought i had seen a button when submitting a VAT return to ‘mark it as final’. I don’t see that option now?!
Was it there or am i imagining things!!
It’s a little more complicated than we anticipated.
It is however still something we’re looking to resolve, I’m afraid it’s just not at the top of the list right now. I will update this thread as soon as we’ve made any progress here.
Thanks Glenn, just looked at it, but can’t see anything to mark the vat return as final.
Is there one - or do i submit it normally?
see account 6131477120, you will see a rolled back final return which i had tried to submit on 12/5/16
I had a minor issue with the wording next to the deregistration box.
It reads as follows: I am de-registering for VAT, mark this return as FINAL.
My colleague was submitting a ‘last’ VAT return i.e. not FINAL yet, before applying for deregistration to HMRC.
He thought it seemed appropriate to tick this box. I corrected this error later but realised that maybe a minor change to the above wording may eliminate any confusion.
A final VAT return is required AFTER the taxpayer has deregistered.
So maybe something along the lines of ‘The business has de-registered for VAT, mark this return as FINAL’
I am VAT registered on the Cash Accounting scheme. I have de-registered wef 31/7/19 and need to submit my final return.
1 I presume that I need to switch to Accrual accounting first
2 There appears to be no ‘Mark as FINAL return’ as mentioned by Glenn in Nov 15. Has this moved? I have looked at the Reurn and the VAT Settings pages.
Many thanks,