VAT question on a promotion

I have just bought some items from Amazon and they sent me the following invoice/receipt:

Order Summary
Item(s) Subtotal: £17.14
Postage & Packing: £3.74
Total Before VAT: £20.88
VAT: £4.19
Total: £25.07
Promotion Applied: -£4.49
Grand Total: £20.58

As £4.19 is not 20% of the grand total £20.58, I can’t enter this directly into QuickFile.
So should I enter it as 2 transactions:
one VAT rated for £25.07
and one non-VAT rated for -£4.49

Or is there a better way to handle it?

[Note: It also seems their maths is not very good, as the VAT should be £4.18 not 4.19]


Hi @antonym1122

You just enter this as 2 lines on QuickFile when creating the purchase invoice. Providing you’re VAT registered, you can record the VAT on a line-by-line basis rather than a whole for the invoice.

If it is a penny out (which can happen due to rounding), you can manually adjust this on the invoice creation/edit page.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for the 2 lines advice.

However I can’t manually adjust the VAT amount, as it automatically changes the total by the same amount. [Edit: don’t worry. I found that I need to edit all 3 values to sort that out.]

Hi @antonym1122

Glad to hear you managed to sort this. I managed to mock up this quick example before you replied.

For future reference (either for yourself or anyone else looking), this is how it can be done:

Wow, that video is extremely helpful.

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