Bank Feed Subscriptions From Affinity

Affinity users may be interested to know that it is now possible to setup a bank feed subscription directly from your Affinity account.

To add a bank feed subscription to one of your managed profiles, simply log into your Affinity dashboard and click on the company name link in the first column where you’d like to activate the subscription.


In the bottom right corner of the profile details page you will see a “Subscriptions” panel with an option to add a new rolling subscription.


We charge £18 per year (inc VAT) for a bank feed subscription, this can cover multiple bank accounts on a single managed profile. Affinity billing is calculated daily and collected monthly, therefore a single charge of 4.9p will be added to your account each day and collected at the end of the month.

Once a bank feed subscription has been added, you may then activate a bank feed by going into the bank statement view page and clicking on the “Activate Bank Feed” option in the More Options menu.

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Affinity shows a Clients bank feed is due to explire in one month, how can this be changed to affinity’s rolling subscription on renewal day instead of client paying yearly. I hope it can be switched without having to set it up from scratch

Hi @George_H

We’ll send you a private message shortly to get some details from you.