There are issues importing Co-operative bank statements in all the formats I have tried.
I have to resort to “other” as the bank and manually match up the columns.
Can this be fixed ASAP please as this is a pain in the a%^ after loosing the bank link feature.
BTW Co-Operative now advertise that they support open banking so I assume we will get linking back again soon?
This is the header from the CSV export from the bank, it is the Customer Reference column that is most useful as a description in the accounts, not the reference.
It is extracting from the wrong columns (bank ref rather than customner ref) and the amounts all appear as debits - including all credits.
The other formats available from the co-op such as PDF and OFX all have problems giving differing results. The only reliable way I have found is to choose ‘other’ as the bank and manually select the columns