I only run a small company, but I’ve already hit 1200 transactions. How can I delete the previous years data?
Many thanks
I only run a small company, but I’ve already hit 1200 transactions. How can I delete the previous years data?
Many thanks
Hello @willcowd
If you are looking to delete data between 2 dates, it would need to be done manually.
However, if you were looking to delete all data entered onto the account previously, you can do so by following this guide.
It may also be worth doing a back up before deleting anything, although the back up can be a bit behind the live data (see this guide)
There are a few things to note here too:
Hope that helps!
If you’re asking this because you’ve been asked to pay for a power user subscription, then “deleting the previous years data” won’t necessarily help as the ledger count on which the subscription requirement is based is calculated over a rolling 12-month period. Deleting entries that were created more than a year ago won’t affect the M/L/XL status of your account.
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