Towards the end of 2015 we will be making a change to our policy on unlimited free accounting software that will require any users who have a Large (L) or Extra Large (XL) account (excluding Affinity connected accounts) to obtain a Power User Subscription (£45 + vat per year).
Since we launched QuickFile in 2010 we have always strived to deliver unrestricted use for businesses of all sizes. As our user-base has expanded, the costs and complexity of scaling QuickFile to meet the demand has increased. The introduction of a subscription for higher volume users will allow us to direct more of our resources towards feature development activities in the future.
###How much will it cost?
Under the proposed changes L and XL accounts will require a Power User subscription, this will cost £45 per year. All L and XL users will therefore automatically benefit from our expanding range of advanced features.
###When will this be implemented?
Currently we expect this change to come into effect by early December 2015.
###Will I be affected by this change?
If you have an L or XL account (You can check this in Account Settings >> Company Settings) and you are not currently a Power User or Affinity Subscriber, then from December you will require a Power User subscription to continue accessing your account.
###How is the account size determined?
QuickFile grade all accounts based on the number of ledger entries over a rolling 12 month period.
XS - Extra Small (200 or few entries)
S - Small (201 - 500 entries)
M - Medium (501 - 1000 entries)
L - Large (1001 - 4000 entries)
XL - Extra Large (4001 or more entries)
We recheck your account every 2-3 days and reclassify accordingly. If you want to know more about how accounts are graded please refer to this guide.
###Why is this necessary?
Since launching QuickFile in 2010 our user-base has approximately doubled year-on-year. Developing new features in the first few years was far quicker and simpler than in 2015. This is largely due to the fewer interdependencies between the different systems within the application and the less time needed to manage, audit and scale-out data. As the feature-set has grown, there is also an additional requirement to maintain and update all the different integrations and features periodically.
More data, bandwidth, features to maintain and active users to cater for has ultimately steered us in this direction. The decision was not taken lightly and deferred for as long as possible. We are nonetheless confident that it will deliver the best long-term outcome for all QuickFile users.
If you decide not to continue using QuickFile following this change then we respect that decision and we will be sad to see you go. We have made this announcement some months in advance so that if you choose to take this route you will have sufficient time to backup/download your data.
We understand that this will not be welcomed news for all users, if you have any questions or concerns I would be more than happy to address them here.