Read only access to Quickfile


I run a charity that works in close partnership with two others with whom we share financial planning. I would like to give the treasurers of these organisations access to our Quickfile accounts on a read only basis.

In addition, I would like to give read only access to the person who will be examining our accounts before they are filed with the Charity Commission.

In the user configuration section of Quickfile there are various options to restrict access but these all seem to be “all or none” (either access is denied completely, or access is granted with full read/write capability).

Please could you clarify if there is any “read only” option, and if not, could such a feature be considered?

There is no explicit “read only” option in Quick File. You may be able to use a combination of privileges to get the desired effect or you can certainly build your own interface via the API to achieve this.

I’m afraid this feature is not something currently on our development plan, but if it becomes a more popular request we can certainly reconsider.


I know I am resurrecting an old topic but I just wanted to highlight interest in view only too or if the old situation has changed since I would appreciate an update.

I am Treasurer of a charity and have given access to other trustees but in selecting the user account options I have disabled functions I would want them to be able to see but not edit - in particular how much we have in our bank accounts and what the transactions are. Is there a way for me to give them access to the Banking tab but without an ability to change the bank information?



Glenn, I also support this idea to have READ ONLY users here as a “future enhancement”.

I don’t know how HMRC Tax compliance check works, I never had, but it would be great to send them a RO user logon details and let them do the work remotely.


We also have clients who require this as a feature


I’d like to add my support for READ ONLY access. Basically it would be good for people to have read/write to areas they work and read only to some others. For example it would be useful if our supplier manager could create supplier stuff but can also see customer details but can’t add any payments or change anything. Read only across everything should be an option.

thanks, Karen

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+1 I would like to see options for read only access.

I would also like to add my vote for read only access. Would be useful to have.

+1 for Read only and not the combined Read/Modify for users.

+1 Quickfile is very powerful, allowing you to do great things with a few clicks. This is a blessing in most circumstances but could be dangerous in less experienced hands.

It worries me giving edit access to someone who really only needs to read the values. Specifically, being able to view invoices without the edit access would be a welcome change.

+1 for read only access.

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+1 for read-only. I’ve set up a club of which I’m treasurer on Quickfile but we have problems with the secretary and chairman each having different lists of members from mine. I’d like to give them access to Quickfile so we’re all working from the same list without having to keep emailing them around but I can’t see any way to let them view names and addresses without being able to create or edit them.

+1 for read only access

+1 for read only access. I want to give my business partner and my accountants full access but don’t want either of them to be able to change anything!

We have HMRC VAT compliance check and it would be so much easier to give them read-only access to Quickfile rather than have to pull out all the data they require from the last four years. These HMRC random checks are apparently going to become more routine and read-only access would be of great benefit in making the task less onerous.

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I’d like to add my voice to the read only requestAs a registered charity, we;re supposed to have regular checks on our accounts and, at the moment, it requires two people sitting together while the “auditor” is walked through the platform.

Having a read-only ole would allow these checks to be done with the confidence that nothing can be changed.

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Hi all,

Just going to throw my support behind this request. I appreciate being able to grant access to different features of Quickfile, however what I’d really like is to be able to give read-only access more features than I grant edit access to.

Why? Because the accountants I work with keep sharing login details between them even though I’ve told them not to, and I don’t know who’s got access to what. I know this is mainly an issue of me enforcing my security policy, however it’s not helped by the lack of a read-only level of access within Quickfile.

Also, generally, good cybersec policy is to only give people access to what they need to. I can imagine that if someone strictly checked Quickfile against certain certification schemes, e.g. Cybersecurity Essentials, it might be found lacking without a read-only access level.

Cheers :slight_smile:

We have the accounts reviewed before publishing them to our members therefore 2x people need to review but not be able to change.
It should be reasonably & sensibly possible to allow access for this via a ‘read only’ access.
Having no read only setting is kind of contrary to security by design - a fundamental of data protection.

I came here to ask about Read Only access - I am the treasurer, other Trustees need sight only access but I can’t risk any accidental input. This is a very important feature of any accounts system. Please please add to list. This thread is 11 years old and nothing yet has happened. I would like to pay for the subscription but due to a few really important features not being available, I can’t fully justify it.


Thank you for your comments.

Please ensure your vote is counted by clicking “Vote” at the top of the thread.

We do regularly review feature requests and will update this thread with any plans.